关键词 融资融券 超额收益 流动性 异质信念
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Empirical Study on Impact of The Introduction of Securities Margin Trade on Stock Abnormal Returns
Two groups of securities were permitted respectively to start margin trading on the day of March 31th, 2010 and December 5th, 2011, which suggested an advancement of Chinese Securities Market. In this paper, with the sample data consisting of the stocks in the two groups, the impact of the introduction of securities margin trade on stock short-term and long-run abnormal returns is studied, and the explanation of the resource of impact is given from the aspects of liquidity and dispersion of opinion,based on multivariate linear regression model. The empirical results show that in the short period after the introduction of securities margin trade, most sample stocks experience a decline in abnormal returns, while the liquidity of stocks increases and the more liquidity increases, the lower abnormal returns are. Greater dispersion of opinion also leads to lower abnormal returns. In the long period after the introduction of securities margin trade, however, most sample stocks experience an increase in abnormal returns. Moreover, liquidity and dispersion of opinion have little influence on the abnormal returns.
Keywords: securities margin trade abnormal returns
liquidity dispersion of opinion
目 次
1.引言 1
1.1研究目的与意义 1
1.2相关理论综述 2
1.3论文的结构安排与创新 6
2.研究设计 7
2.1假设 7
2.2变量的选择及度量 7
2.3建立模型 9
2.4样本数据的选择 10
3实证分析 12
3.1变量的描述性统计 12
3.2分组分析 14
3.3模型回归分析 16
3.4 稳健性检验 17
4结论及展望 19
4.1结论 19
4.2不足及展望 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21