摘    要 目的 通过案例分析和问卷调查研究网络订餐食品安全存在的问题及其原因,提出解决网络订餐食品安全问题的对策。方法 问卷调查和案例分析相结合。问卷调查以杭州市大学生为调查对象,采用偶遇抽样方法,问卷数量发放230份,用数据分析软件 SPSS20。0 对所收集的调查数据进行统计分析。案例分析以2016年央视3•15晚会曝光事件为例,通过收集相关资料,研究目前网络订餐食品安全存在的问题和成因,并从多主体监管的角度提出建议。结果 问卷调查发现,网络订餐食品安全存在严重问题,有将近三分之一的人曾由于使用外卖而发生食物中毒;食品安全意识薄弱,仅有16。5%的人会经常在订餐前关注店家的信息;对法律常识的认识不足,将近80%不知道或不关心《食品安全法》新增的监管内容。通过案例分析,发现网络订餐第三方平台和入网商家缺少食品安全管理意识和社会责任心,知法犯法;网络订餐食品相关立法方面存在大量空白,执法缺乏威慑力,政府监管存在盲区。结论 立足于对网络订餐食品安全存在问题的原因的分析,解决网络订餐食品安全问题的对策为:从完善立法、加强执法、第三方平台自律以及充分发挥消费者监督作用等方面,建立政府、第三方平台、商家以及社会多元主体共同治理的体制和机制。90353

毕业论文关键词:网络订餐; 食品安全; 法律; 治理

Abstract: Objective Studying the food safety problems of online meal ordering and putting forward some relevant suggestions by the way of questionnaire survey and case analysis。 Providing some advice to strengthen the food safety supervision and improve the food quality。 Methods Using the methods of questionnaire survey and encounter sampling, choose the university students in Hangzhou as respondent as a total of 230。 Using date analysis software SPSS20。0 to analysis the collected survey date。 Through the research method of case analysis, analyzing the case exposed by CCTV 3•15 party, studying the food safety problems of online meal ordering and the cause, and offering some proposals from the perspective of persified subjects。 Result From the results of the questionnaire survey, we can see there are serious problems in online meal ordering food safety, almost one third of respondents have the experience of food poisoning because eating the online ordering food。 Their food safety consciousness is weak, only 16。5% of persons would pay attention to the information of online restaurants before ordering the food。 Lacking enough understanding for basic legal knowledge, nearly 80% of respondents are indifferent or unaware of the new added content in food safety law。 Form the case analysis, we can see that the third-party platform and online restaurants lack the responsibility of food safety management and deliberately break the law。 Besides, there are lots of blank in legislation。 Law enforcement lacks of deterrence, and supervision system is not perfect。 Conclusion Based on the causes for the problems of food safety in online ordering, the paper put forward some suggestions to develop collaborative supervision system on food safety by the way of completing legislation, strengthening the law enforcement, making the third-party platform self-controlled and giving full play to consumers’ role in food safety supervision。

Keyword: food safety; online meal ordering; law; governance

目    录

1引言 7

2 研究方法 8

2。1 文献研究法 8

2。2 案例分析法 8

2。3 问卷调查法 9

3 调查结果与分析















