Abstract  For a long time, teaching belief has become the key point of the research on teachers’ teaching。 In essence, teaching belief is a teaching concept, a stable value system formed during the teaching process, which plays an important guiding role in teaching practice。 For pre-service English teachers, the formation of teaching belief has  significant influence on EFL educators’ future career。

This study mainly discusses different teaching conditions, teaching objectives, experience in the real life before practicum and the second-language-learning experience, on the basis of the realities of some pre-service teachers。 The results show that there are many changes before and after their teaching practicum, like confirmation of previous beliefs,re-labeling of a construct, addition of new beliefs , rearrangement of beliefs, disagreement of previous beliefs and no change, and factors contributing to these changes are different。 It’s hoped that this research can inspire normal schools to establish proper teaching practicum system。 Besides, the various reflections of teachers during the practicum are encouraged。85485

Keywords: English pre-service teacher; teaching beliefs; development; teaching practicum

摘要 教学信念一直是教师教育研究领域的重点。教学信念本质来说它是一种教学 理念,而且是一种在教学过程中所形成的固定价值体系,对教学行为具有重要的 指导作用。对于英语职前实习者来说,教学信念的形成至关重要,它对教育者以 后的英语教学生涯影响巨大。

本文根据一些实习老师的实际情况,分析他们所处的不同教学环境、教学 对象、实习前的教学经验、外语学习经验等因素。结果表明实习教师们实习前后 的教学信念存在诸多变化,如,对旧有信念的肯定,重命名,重新排序,新理念 的增加,完全否定,这些都会影响他们教学信念变化的因素也各不相同。本次研 究,能启发师范院校建立合理的教育实习系统,并且,教师在实践中进行各种形 式的反思也应该被得到鼓励。

毕业论文关键词:英语职前教师;  教学信念;  发展; 教育实习


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research background 1

1。2 The Significance of the study 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 The definitions of teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practicum 。2

2。2 Researches on English teachers' teaching beliefs 3

2。3 Research on factors contributing to the development 5

3。 Findings and Discussions 6

3。1 The dimensions of changes of pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs。。6 3。2 Factors contributing to the development 10

4。 Conclusions 12

4。1 Major findings 12

4。2 Main implications 12

1。 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

Teaching belief is not only a concerned issue for both in-service teachers and pre-service teachers themselves, but also a very popular case discussed and deeply studied by scholars in many domains。 The research has put attention on the study of teachers’ beliefs since 1970s。 At that time, this study was considered to be rather complex。 To avoid this complexity, researches in this field especially put emphasis on studying how teachers make decisions about class management, lesson plan and class activities (Zheng, 2009) from the mid-1970s to early 1980s。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766
















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