Throughout junior high school oral English teaching, we will find that there are still many problems。 For example, teachers spend a lot of time and energy on teaching students’ pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other language knowledge, practicing listening, speaking, reading, writing and other language skills。 They ignore the introduction cultural factors behind the language to students and look down on the cultivation of students' communicative competence, especially the cultivation of ICC。 He Zhaoxiong holds the opinion that many mistakes students make when they communicate with foreigners are not caused by language knowledge such as words, grammar, syntax and other errors but because they do not understand the values, world view, thought pattern, religious beliefs and other cultural factors of the target language country。 (He 23) 

To sum up, it is very important to cultivate the intercultural awareness of junior high school students and strengthen the cultivation of ICC in junior high schools。 It is imperative to cultivate ICC in junior high school oral English teaching。

2。 Literature Review

With the increasing contact between China and the world, economic exchanges and cultural crises are becoming more and more frequent。 Cross-cultural communication skills tend to become the ultimate goal of English teaching (Zhang 20)。 How to cultivate students' ICC in English teaching has become a research topic that researchers have been studying。论文网

Foreign cross-cultural communication studies began in the 1950s (Hu and Gao 78-98), and Western cultural teaching went through the following three stages (G。 Garcia 34):

In the first stage, language teaching was separated from cultural teaching。 This stage of cultural instruction can be implemented in the regular course by using appropriate teaching methods (E。 Garcia 20)。

In the second stage, cultural teaching attached to language teaching (Chomsky 112-154)。 At this stage, the study of cultural knowledge as a means of language learning, cultural teaching knowledge attached to language teaching。 It did not establish their own independent status (Kidd 9)。

In the third stage, cultural teaching was combined with language teaching (Allen and Valette 67)。 In this stage, cultural teaching and language teaching are in the same important position。 They are both teaching and teaching purposes (Mascia 101-104)。

In China, culture was led into foreign language classroom teaching initially through the literary works (Dai 116-120)。 In the 1970s and 1980s, culture was listed as the content of teaching by the influence of Hymes' communicative competence concept (Wardhaugh 3)。 At this stage, cultural teaching is always in a secondary or even dispensable position (Zhang 34)。

In this paper, the cultivation of intercultural competence and oral English teaching will be combined with each other。 The author puts forward some useful teaching ideas and methods to the English teachers through the analysis of some difficulties and obstacles encountered by junior high school students in cross-cultural communication。

3。 The Significance of Cultivating ICC 

People need to have communicative competence in the process of mutual communication, but cultural differences are bound to produce information gab。 Communication occurs in the context of cross-cultural, resulting in cross-cultural communication。 Because of the rich connotation of intercultural communication competence, so far domestic and foreign scholars have not given a consistent definition to it。 Intercultural communication competence cover three aspects: the ability of transcending national central thought, the ability of appreciating other cultures, and the ability of being properly performed in one or more cultural settings。 This is a better interpretation of the connotation of ICC。 It also reflects the necessity to cultivate students' ICC

















