Abstract American movie 12 Years A Slave, directed by Steve McQueen, received numerous awards and nominations。 To many audiences, 12 Years A Slave is not only a cruel slavery movie, but also a microcosm of reconsideration about liberty and fairness。 This paper uses this movie as a medium to explore Solomon Northup‟s revolt and its significance。 First of all, the paper makes a brief introduction of the historical background of the movie and the social status and treatment of slaves under slavery。 Then, the paper makes a brief analysis of the necessity and importance of Solomon‟s resistant awareness after his being abducted to be a slave。 Based on it, a detailed discussion is made about Solomon‟s three resistant stages during his 12 years‟ fight for freedom: violent resistance, numb endurance, perseverance and seeking for other‟s help。 The paper summarizes that the stages of Solomon‟s resistance reflects the American slaves‟ resistance history and brings us new thoughts and enlightenment about unfairness。85738

Key words: 12 Years A Slave; slave; resistance; significance

摘要由导演史蒂夫·麦奎因执导的美国电影《为奴十二年》提名、获奖无数。对很多 观众而言,它并不仅仅只是一部残酷的奴隶题材电影,更是对自由和公正的再考虑的 缩影。本课题以电影《为奴十二年》为媒介,探讨主人公所罗门的反抗精神及其现实 意义。论文首先简要交代一下电影的历史背景及其美国奴隶制下黑奴的社会地位及其 待遇。然后简述所罗门被拐为奴后产生反抗意识的必然性及其重要性,并在此基础上 着重分析所罗门在十二年中争取自由的三个阶段:暴力反抗,麻木隐忍,坚持和寻求 他人帮助。所罗门反抗阶段不但映射了整个黑奴抗争史的历程,而且也给面对不公正 时的我们不公正带来启示和新的思考。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Slavery in the United States 2

3。 Solomon Northrop’ Revolt in 12 Years A Slave and its Implication 3

3。1 Immature violent resistance leading to oppression 3

3。2 Amorphous consciousness leading to numbness 5

3。3 Perseverance and corporation leading to liberation 7

4。 Conclusion 8

Works Cited 10

1。 Introduction

“Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains。 The man, who thinks that he is the master of all others, is even more like slaves than everything else。” (Rousseau 2) From the beginning of the history of human being, there are countless people who fight for freedom。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to help the production of crops as tobacco。 African-American slaves helped build the economic foundations of the new nation。 Striving for freedom as slaves is a hard and long struggle。 The slaves have been endowed with the fate of the exploitation of slavery before their birth。 In the evil slavery, slaves lose their right to be a man。 The slave owners traffic, ravage and even kill their slaves as livestock。论文网

















