Abstract With the social progress and women’s emancipation, more and  more literary works are about women, about their passions, about their independence, freedom, and the pursuit of gender equality。 Gone with the Wind is the masterpiece of American writer Margaret Mitchell with love story as the main clue。 It mainly describes how, in the period of the American Civil War, the heroine Scarlett grows from ignorant girl into a mature and independent woman。 Her growth reflects women’s process of seeking independence and liberation。 With Gone with the Wind as the medium, this research focuses on feminism from three aspects: Scarlett resistance to the social oppression on women, Scarlett’s attempt to be an independent woman in economy, as well as Scarlett’s pursuit of love。85741

Key words:  feminism; rebel; growth; independence

摘要随着社会进步与女性解放思想的发展,越来越多的文学作品以女性的视角为主,描 述她们的喜怒哀乐,宣传女性的独立,自由,和平等的追求。《乱世佳人》是美国作 家玛格丽特•米切尔的传世之作,它主要描绘了在美国南北内战时期,以爱情纠纷为线 索,女主角斯嘉丽从懵懂少女成长为成熟独立女性的故事。斯嘉丽的成长轨迹从侧面 反映了妇女寻求独立和解放的过程。论文以《乱世佳人》为研究对象,围绕斯嘉丽对 当时女性种种压迫的反抗,斯嘉丽勇于争取经济的独立,斯嘉丽对于爱情的追求等种 种方面探讨女性主义。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Feminism  in Gone with the Wind 2

3。1 A rebel of the male society 2

3。2 An independent woman in economy 3

3。3 A brave woman in three marriages 5

4。 Conclusion 7

Works Cited 8

1。 Introduction

Feminism sprang up in 1970s。 It takes the female image, the female creation as well as the female reading and so on as the research object。 It strives to explore the true meaning of art works from the perspective of women。 Study on the theme of feminism with the new period of women’s liberation of self consciousness and secondary sexual traits have received the attention of literature, the literature theory and the sociology and so on。

The novel Gone with the Wind is American novelist Margaret Mitchell’s masterpiece。 The novel’s release has caused great social repercussions。 And the film based on the novel won the twelfth Oscar Award for best feature film award in 1939; it is an indelible milestone in the history of the film in twentieth Century。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

The novel spans more than a decade, with the main line of Scarlett, the daughter of the manor, telling the story of the American Civil War that took place in the southern part of the United States。 The protagonists, Scarlett and Melanie, have long been known to so many people in the world。论文网

Scarlett, a daughter of Gerald O’Hara, Tara manor master, is a feisty and headstrong girl。 She loves Ashley。 When she knows that Ashley will marry Melanie Hamilton, Scarlett is angrily marrying Melanie’s brother Charles。 Soon Charles dies in the war。 After the Civil War, Scarlett personally manages all kinds of affairs, and later she marries Frank Kennedy to reconstruct Tara manor。 Frank dies after an accident。 Scarlett marries Rhett Butler, who has made a fortune in the munitions business, but she is infatuated with Ashley, which destroys the love between Scarlett and Rhett。 Later, Melanie dies, and Ashley refuses Scaelett’s sympathy。 Scarlett realizes that Melanie is a real kind-hearted woman and Rhett is her true love。

















