2。 Literature Review

2。1 Previous study

     In the past years, many famous people had done some researches on the two heroes。 Let me talk about Hamlet firstly。 One of the most famous writers--Ling Hongbo in China had made remarks on Hamlet that he was not just a tragic hero, but also a minded juvenile(Ling 6)。 However, Goethe also commented on Hamlet that Hamlet was a childe, not a hero because Goethe supposed that Hamlet was always irresolute。 Goethe pointed out Hamlet’s weakness(Goethe 1-553)。 What I am going to talk about in the essay will reflect the complexity of Hamlet’s characteristics。 When it comes to Edmond Dantes, Xiang Lihua has said that the way--money which the main role used reflected the feature--money worship of the capitalist system(Xiang 87-90)。 This is also one aspect which I will talk about in my essay and I also add my thought to this argument。 The two words-- expectation and hope show all the wisdom of mankind, which was said by Dantes。 Many experts have done research on this aspect and testified that the main role was wise and willing to take responsibilities and accept challenges。 I can’t agree with them any more。 In general, I write this essay by combining many experts’ ideas with my own thought。

2。2 The different revenge background information 来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

     In this part, I focus on the social trends reflected by these two novels and different revenge process。 Two books happened in different periods。 Hamlet showed humanism while Le Comte de Monte-Cristo reflected romanticism。 Hamlet and Dantes avenged for different reasons and had different endings。 Though both of them succeeded in revenge, Hamlet lost his precious life while Dantes left his hometown。

2。2。1 The social trends reflected by the two novels

     Hamlet is the Shakespeare's masterpiece that was written in the early seventeenth century。 At that time, the Renaissance made Europe enter into the “awakening man” time。 People’s belief in God began to shake and people did whatever they want, which was a fashion。 This was the great liberation of ideas, and promoted the development of social civilization。 The play described the irreconcilable contradiction between ideality and reality, his hesitation, sadness and frustration in the process of revenge (Zhang 64-65)。 The book ended in tragedy。 It also profoundly reflected the humanist’s demands to break through the strong desire of the feudal forces。 To sum up, the work reflected humanism。

     When we come to Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, the work is written by Alexander Dumas。  He is also known as Dumas, a French romantic writer in the 19th century。 As a result, this work is of course with a romantic color。 The book mainly tells us that Dantes suffered torture and then became the Count of Monte Cristo and began revenge。 In general, the whole novel is his history of revenge。 The book is characterized with romanticism because of the following reasons: when he found that Mark Sealy had fallen in love with Villefort’s daughter, he used one trick to make the lovers get married。 Many circumstances in the novel make the glorious image of the hero。 In short, the wise and thoughtful combination of the plot in the novel gives a sense of truth and fantasy。 This is a reflection of the rich romance of the novel。 There are some rich romantic plots。 For example, it’s a coincidence that Dantes met with the priest in prison。 The priest taught him  philosophy and language knowledge and told him the secret that the Monte Cristo was a treasure。 These circumstances made the novel seem mysterious。 What’s more, it was these seemingly unrealistic factors that promoted the development of the plot and became a part of reality (Fu 145-156)。

2。2。2 The revenge process of the two heroes

















