In 2000, because of lingering nightmare and memory of his childhood, with the conscience of the unbearable torture, the famous writer Amir decided to return from San Francisco to Taliban, the capital of Afghanistan-Kabul, which is full of unpredictable crises。 Amir decided to face his own demons and took courage on the road to redemption。 He has to face up to those that have long plagued his own secrets, do the last bold attempt, hoping to return everything back on track , to get back himself ever lost in the past 。

     It is a moving story and a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on。 To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world。 

     This thesis analyzed from the perspective of Amir’s personal psychological redemption and growth experience, moreover the failure case of Assef。 It gives us a more detailed and complete exposition of character, human nature, racial and religious discrimination, betrayal and redemption。 It also reveals the humanity based on the influence of cruel war。

Close reading is a kind of important genre - semantics in the 20th century Western literary theory。 This genre regards semantic analysis as the most basic method and means of literary criticism。 It is an important theory and salient features to read the text in semantics。 I will apply the theory to elaborate the recovery of humanity in The Kite Runner。 As the Masterpiece Reading referred that from the point of view of learning, there are two kinds of methods: One is that we use macro theory as a basis, grasp the general principle, sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height when necessary, and then make specific analysis of limited case。 The other is that, in a certain extent, universally and regularly grasping the macro theory, carry out extensive case analysis (Sun 2)。 论文网

     In this thesis, the significance of the thesis is to expose the good and evil, beauty and ugliness of human nature, to retrieve the purest part of human nature, and with the greatest goodwill to destroy the evil in humanity。 The thesis also focuses on the war-torn Afghanistan and the Middle East to remind us that we are alive and cherish what you have at the moment。

2。Literature Review

    The Kite Runner was written by American Afghan writer Khaled Hosseini, which took the top two American authority bestseller lists: "New York Times" and "Publishers Weekly" for more than 80 weeks。 In 2006, because of the international influence of his work, Hosseini won the United Nations Humanitarian Award and was invited to serve as UNHCR goodwill ambassador。 The book let the world know a war ravaged and unknown Afghan nationality, which is the charm of literature as well as the charm of art。 There are many scholars have carried out literary interpretations of The Kite Runner , such as the thematic analysis。 They summarized three topics in The Kite Runner: First is Amir longing for the love of father and father’s compensation and love for Hassan; second is the repentance and redemption of Amir’s heart; third is social criticism theme of the Afghan chaos by war (Li 34)。

Putting The Kite Runner into the “Eco-criticism interpretation" theory, the article compared the impressed happy life of the natural environment in Afghanistan with the latter Afghanistan , showing a balance of natural ecology, social ecology of Russia。 The Soviet Union took turns in war aggression, Taliban's brutal rule, sectarian and racial persecution, washing all wounded Afghan in a morbid。 Some researchers have analyzed Assef and Sohrab as typical figures, revealing the people's life in Afghanistan, the lack of humanity, full of violence, lack of communication among people, which is the spirit of ecological dislocation (He 109)。

Some scholars studied on images。 Hassan is apparently chasing kites for Amir, In fact, it also refers to Amir’s pursuit of integrity, courage, kindness and loyalty of the kite。 When Amir painstakingly took the same humiliating nephew back to the United States, he told his nephew "For you, a thousand times over"。 When he was flying a kite, he had tracked the kite (Wang 92)。

















