Abstract This thesis briefly introduces the definition and classification of interpretation, as well as the skills that an outstanding interpreter should have, Such as good listening ability, communication ability, high language comprehension and processing ability, multidisciplinary knowledge reserve capacity and etc。 Interpretation is one of the two forms of translation and is more complicated than the other。 It has its unique interpretation characteristics and techniques。 It is different from written work, One should not only proficient in translation skills, but also has more effective skills to achieve the highest level of interpretation。 It needs constantly efforts and endeavors。 This article has a brief introduction on how to improve the level of interpretation, and some examples cited for reference, Such as long digit simplification, important content extraction processing and etc。94769

Keywords: interpretation; interpreter; interpretation competence   

摘要本文从浅层次介绍了口译的定义,分类,以及成为一名杰出的口译员应当具备的技能, 如善于聆听,热衷表达,极高的语言领悟与处理能力,多领域知识储备能力等。口译作为两大翻译形式中较困难的一种,具有其独特的翻译特点和翻译技巧,区别于笔译,不仅仅要具有笔译的能力,还有具备更多有效的技巧,如何培养这些技巧以达到炉火纯青的口译水平,需要不断地提升自身的技能,本文就如何提高口译水平进行了简要的介绍,并列举了一些例子以供参考,如长数字简化处理,重要内容提取处理等。



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review1

3。 The definition of interpretation。。。2

4。 The types of interpretation。。。。2

5。 Relative Competences of interpreter。。。3

5。1 Good listening and oral communication skills。4

5。2 Thorough understanding of language skills 。。。。。。。。5

5。3 Comprehensive memory ability。。。7

5。4 Intercultural communicative competence。。10

5。5 Multidisciplinary knowledge reserve capacity11

6。 Conclusion。。12

Works Cited。。。13

1。 Introduction 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

The emergence of interpreting activities is far earlier than the written word。 Although the practice of interpreting has a long history, more than five thousand years, but the professionalization of interpretation began in the early 20th century。 Prior to this, the common language of major international conferences and diplomatic occasions is French, there is no need for large-scale use of interpreters。(He,Zhong&Xu 7)

In a sense, since the occurrence of the language, it plays two different roles, in particular groups, it can be used for communication, it is the ideological communication tools; because it is developed from a specific group, it will be born with the communication obstacles between different groups and the hinder almost insurmountable 。 For each obstruct, science and technology take direct methods, but in the process of deal with this special language barriers, the solution is the introduction of an intermediary, the intermediary play the role of communication。 When people play intermediary roles in transform one language into another language, he was known as the interpreter。 Interpreter as a special media, plays the role of a bridge of information transmission between different language backgrounds that hold communication goals , therefore, he must master and use the mother tongue and a second foreign language。 In addition, the interpreter must also have rich knowledge at any time, in order to accurately mobilize and use。

















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