Abstract  With the development of internationalization, more and more people pay attention to English。 Lead-in, as the first step of teaching procedure, plays a crucial role in middle school English classroom teaching。 There are two main effects about lead-in: help the students to review the knowledge learned previously and introduce the new knowledge。 It has many advantages, such as arousing students’ interest, helping students’ development of thinking and improving students’ learning efficiency, etc。 The appropriate lead-in will improve the teaching effect。 Nowadays, lead-in is widely used by many English teachers in English classroom teaching。 However, in the current English teaching situation, teachers still have some problems needed to be solved and improved in the lead-in part。 The thesis will discuss the importance, the methods and the application of lead-in。94786

Keywords: lead-in; classroom teaching; middle school     

摘  要随着国际化进程的推进,英语被越来越多的人所重视。导入作为教学过程的第一步,在中学英语课堂教学中起着非常重要的作用。它主要起两个作用:帮助学生复习以前学过的知识,以及介绍新知识。导入它具有激发学生兴趣,帮助学生思维发展和提高学生学习效率等优点,并且适当的导入将提高教学效果。在如今的英语课堂教学中,导入已经被许多英语教师广泛使用。但是,在目前的英语教学中,教师在导入环节仍存在一些问题需要提高和改善。本文将探讨导入的重要性、方法和应用。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 The Current Situation of Lead-in in English Classroom Teaching 2

4。 The Essential Role of Lead-in in English Classroom Teaching 3

4。1 The importance of lead-in 3

4。2 The advantages of lead-in 3

5。 The Ways of Lead-in in English Classroom Teaching 5

5。1 By verbal interactions in lead-in 5

5。2 By nonverbal interactions in lead-in 6

5。3 By multi-media 6

5。4 By doing games 7

5。5 By reviewing 7

6。 The Application of Lead-in in English Classroom Teaching 7

6。1 In the welcome to the unit part 7

6。2 In the reading part 8

6。3 In the grammar part 9

7。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction

Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology and economy, China and other countries are becoming closer to each other。 As a universal language, English has been paid more and more attention by the Chinese。 Chinese students begin to learn English in primary school, and English education is becoming more and more important。 The English proficiency of Chinese students has been greatly improved。 However, there are still many students poor at English learning and the most important reason is that they are not interested in English。 Why do they have no interest in English and how to arouse their interest? This has been a hard nut for many English teachers。 

The National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education of 2001 points that: the main task of the English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education is to stimulate and cultivate students’ interest and their confidence in learning the language, help them develop good learning habits and form effective learning strategies, facilitate autonomy and cooperative spirit in learning; enable students to master basic English language knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing so that they form sufficient competence in using the language; cultivate students’ abilities to observe, to memorize, to think, to imagine and to create; increase their awareness of the cultural differences between the East and the West, enlarge their vision, cultivate their patriotic spirit, and help them form healthy views about life。 By all of the above, we lay a sound foundation for their life-long learning (Wang 44)。 Lead-in, as the first step in teaching procedure, can arouse students’ interest in English。 In recent years, lead-in has been received more attention and become a popular topic since it is known that an excellent beginning is essential for success。

















