
    2.1.2 The Editor
    The job of editors is to read the translation with aesthetic judgment and aesthetic evaluations according to the original, then revise the errors. As the aesthetic subject of both the original text and the translated version, the editor needs to grasp the aesthetic constitution of the original text, has aesthetic awareness and makes aesthetic processing of the translation so that the aesthetic constitution of the translation will accord with that of the original one as far as possible.

    2.1.3 The Reader
    Readers are aesthetic subjects of versions. Generally, the reader understands the contents and aesthetic constitution of original text through translation while reading instead of comparing them. Like translator, the reader actively accepts the information of translations with his own aesthetic sense which is just the standards of a reader on the beauty of translations. And these standards are no other than the constraints on translators and their versions.

    2.2 Aesthetic Objects
    Aesthetic objects refer to both the original text and the translated version, which are appreciated by the translator and the reader respectively. The original text is the fixed contexts of author’s own life experiences and their understanding and feeling of objective reality. It is an objective reflection of reality called the first reality. However, it is also different from the objective reality. It is a product of author’s thoughts and speeches with strong inpidual character (the second reality). And the translated version is the product of translator’s thoughts and speeches. It is the third reality with strong inpidual character. These above are pointed out by Prof. Fu Zhongxuan (1993: 6).

    2.2.1 The Original Text
    The author uses a variety of expressions to combine the materials provided by reality into an article, a poem, a play or a novel. Then the world will see a piece of work with plenty of aesthetic qualities. Whether the original text is beautiful or not is determined by the aesthetic evaluation of its aesthetic constitution (傅, 1993: 6).

    The contents exist in forms and the forms express contents. The quality of aesthetic evaluation contains formal beauty and beauty of contents. The form of original text is its language form which is directly perceived by readers. It can be probed into phonemic level, lexical level and sentential level. And the original contents include theme, idea and the aesthetic evaluation of life phenomenon described by the original. They are constituted by the semantics of words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs. As the basic ingredients of the beauty of original texts, semantics can be discussed by original meaning, practical meaning and language internal meaning. The above analysis is provided by Prof. Fu Zhongxuan(1993: 6-46).

    2.2.2 The Translated Version
    Translation is an activity of interlingual transfer which is subject to original text. The creative activity of the translator can only be developed within the scope of the original. The translated version must be “loyal” to the original text. It should express all the aesthetic qualities of the original. In other words, it should display the formal beauty and the beauty of contents reflected by original text. In fact, when translator chooses the forms of target language, he should also consider the formal features of the original except the constraint on the contents of original language. Therefore, the translated version can not be marked without the imprint of the formal beauty of original text.

    2.3 The Nature of Translation Aesthetics
    Generally speaking, translation involves the cultural interflow between two languages: the original language and the target language. In a narrow sense, translation refers to the transmission of information between two languages. Though there is no perfect and all-accepted translation aesthetics theory, the author has come to see that the nature of translation is first being faithful and then beautiful, which is also the nature of translation aesthetics.
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