It seems both lexical bundles and moves show similar characteristics: while lexical bundles are seen as lexico-grammatical building blocks associated with basic functions used to bind the text together, rhetorical moves are seen as “segments of discourse that provide the building blocks of texts”。 A description of the relationship between lexical bundles and moves in a particular register could provide more evidence towards a complete picture of the tendencies used in the organizational and lexico-grammatical patterns used to build discourse by different speech communities。 There is undoubtedly a need to further investigate the relationship between these two types of building blocks in different registers。

1。2 Research Purpose

The objective of this article is to present a study that started identifying lexical bundles in debate speeches to later analyze the relationship between those bundles and the moves and steps that comprise the organization of these sections。 By definition, lexical bundles are combinations of three or more words that frequently occur in a language or a given register。 It is necessary to mention that frequency is the ultimate characteristic that defines lexical bundles。 In addition, several studies have analyzed the functions of lexical bundles explaining that these expressions perform three main functions: stance, discourse organizing, and referential functions, with several subcategories for each of these。论文网

The aim of the study reported here was to identify the most frequent lexical bundles in a corpus of BP debate, then collect them to form a chunks in order to facilitate the future learning。

2。 BP debate form 

2。1 British Parliamentary debate in real life

A parliament is a legislature consisting of people who have the power to make, amend or repeal laws。 Except for legislation of parliament also has the obligation to scrutinize the government in hope that it fulfills its duties and responsibilities properly。 In Britain it consists of the House of Common and the House of Lords。 The House of Commons is made up of members chosen by the electorate, or people who have the right to vote。 The house of lords comprises members most of whom are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, or the House of Lords Appointments commission。

The party that wins most seats in the House of Commons in the general election forms the government, and leader of the party usually becomes the Prime Minister。 The largest minority parties become the opposition。

The government is primarily responsible for arranging the business of both houses。 As the initiator of policy, it indicates what action is wishes parliament to take, and explains and defends its position in statements and public debate。 Parliament is responsible for making the government accountable for their actions。

The opposition is intended to criticize the government, portraying itself as a potential government。 It is expected to contribute to the formulation of policy, and legislation by constructive criticism; oppose government proposals it considers objectionable; seek amendments to government bills; put forward its own policies in order to improve chances of winning the next general election。

2。2 Academic British Parliamentary debate

The academic British Parliamentary debate style originated from the authentic British government parliamentary debate 。It is the official format of the World Universities Debating Championship。 The debate in this style takes place between the proposition side, also regarded as the government bench and the opposition side。 A judging panel managers the order of debate round and rankings。 Due to its origin, we sometimes hear debaters address the adjudicator as Mr。 Speaker or Madam Speaker。 Sometimes their address the audience as well by referring them to, "members of the house"。 

















