On every side of the debating chamber, there are two teams, with two speakers on each team。 The first team from the Proposition side is called the Opening Proposition while the second the Closing Proposition。 (Or Opening government and Closing Government) The first team from the Opposition side is titles the Opening Opposition while the second the Closing Opposition。 So in this kind of debate, there all altogether eight speeches。 And every speech lasts for seven minutes。

Order Speaker Time Duration 

1 Prime Minister (PM) 7 min

2 Leader of Opposition (LO) 7 min

3 Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) 7 min

4 Deputy Leader of Opposition (DLO) 7 min

5 Member of the Government (MG) 7 min

6 Member of the Opposition (MO) 7 min

7 Government Whip (GW) 7 min

8 Opposition Whip (OW) 7 min

2。2。1 Role of each debater 

In the academic British Parliamentary debate and WUDC style, one of the key issues adjudicators value is whether or not the speaker has fulfilled his or her role in the debate。 Firstly the prime minister has the responsibility to set reasonable grounds for the debate, to help the debate go on smoothly。 Secondly all debaters need to engage with the arguments offered by the previous speakers。 Thirty all the debaters in the debate except the OW, need to offer new arguments or evidence to expand or extend their own case。 Fourthly, all the debates have the duty to repair the argument deconstructed by the opposite side。 At last, the OW has the obligation to maintain a fair ground for the debate, by not adding new materials as the other side has no opportunity to refute them。 Noted that the PM has no chances to engage the opposite argument and repair the argument deconstructed by the opposite side in his or her own debates speech, but he or she can offer POIs to make up。 文献综述

The prime minister as the first speaker in the debate, he or she should lay a reasonable foundation for the debate to go on。 He or she should at least tell us why or under what circumstances are we discussing this motion or why should we have this policy。 And since some of the motions are open or semi-open, the Prime Minister have to define some key words。 Prime minister's speech sets up a target for the opposition bench to rebut or refute, therefore the Opening Government bench should make sure Prime Minister's arguments are strong and have tight links between the claims, reasons, analysis and effects。 

Theoretically speaking, the speech of the Prime Ministers consists of two key parts。 One is the case statements including the interpretation of the motion if necessary, the other is the arguments。 In practice, however there are some other issues that we may take into considerations。 There would be an attention gainer with which we draw the attention from the audience to the speaker, a briefing of the proposition case including the stance, the solution plan or model if necessary, a previous of the key arguments, and description of the team line, a detailed analysis of the arguments and a conclusion。 So in short I believe that debate speech can be consists of three major parts, like any other persuasive speeches, the opening remarks the substantial and the conclusion。

LO: Just like the speech of Prime Ministers Leader of Opposition's speech, also comprising three parts, the opening remarks that substantial action and conclusion。 But there is no doubt that in the debate, the Leader of Opposition needs to rebut some arguments or stance or even the interpretation given by the Prime Minister。 来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

















