    毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要  电子驻车制动系统(EPB)是汽车线控制动系统的一类,也是车辆驻车制动系统的发展方向。它用电线取代传统手制动装置的拉索和传动机构,用电制动器代替传统的制动器,用电子控制单元结合车辆驻车环境的状况控制驻车制动力的大小和各轮驻车制动力的分配,并具有辅助驾驶员坡道起步和智能驻车/解除功能,是车辆驻车制动系统的革新。本文主要对电子驻车制动系统性能测试的试验台进行了研究与结构设计。6549
     关键词 : 电子驻车  试验台  结构设计
    Title  Structural design of the electronic parking brake test bed
    The system of electronic parking brake(EPB) is a type of the
    automobile’s braking system controlled-by-wire, is also the development
    direction of the vehicle’s braking system. It replaces the
    pull-tight-wire and brake equipment of traditional hand-brake system by
    the wire, replaces the traditional brakes by electronic brakes, which
    controlled the magnitude of vehicle parking-strength and dynamically
    distribute parking-strength on each  wheel combined the car environment of
    condition with the electronic control unit(ECU).  This EPB have the function
    of Hill Starting Aid(HAS) and intelligences of parking/relief function.
    This system is the innovation of the vehicle parking system. This text
    mainly researches on the EPB design of hardware circuits.
    This paper first introduces the application of electronic parking
    brake system, principles, advantages and development trends. Then a
    detailed description of the electronic parking brake system hardware
    design of the overall program was discribed. In accordance with the
    system's hardware  requirements, designed  a  car  steering wheel  angle sensor
    and other parts of the sensors were selected, and then installed them
    designed.  Finally,  finished  the overall design  of  the  simulation  test bed
        Compared the EPB with traditional hand braking system, in spite of in
    the automobile’s staring, or the parking the car, the driver do not need
    to operate the handle braking pole ,this consumedly reduce the driver’s operation difficulty, raise the drive-comfort and raise the
    brake-function, also raised the safety ,be advantageous to the
    environmental protection, and have the propulsion to the brake-by-wire
    system. So, the research on design of hardware and detection in electronic
    parking brake system has very important meaning.
    Keywords  :  Electronic Parking ,  Test Bench,  Structural design
     本科毕业设计说明书(论文) 第 I 页 共II 页
      目  次  
    1  绪论.  1
    1.1  电子驻车的原理  .  1
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