摘 要:在小学语文学习中,儿童文学占据着不可取代的地位,它培养儿童学习兴趣,重视儿童身心健康发展,凭借自身独特之处成为许多学生的文学启蒙书籍。小学语文教育与儿童文学相辅相成,密不可分。通过儿童文学这一教学资源,小学语文课程内容变得愈发丰富且有内涵,小学教师的教育工作也更加具有针对性。它能将学生积极性调动起来,使学生对课内文本的学习更有兴趣。可是,在儿童文学作品的教学中,也存在着诸多问题,这些问题使得小学语文的教学不够尽善尽美。本文将对如今儿童文学在小学语文教学中的现状进行分析,并对其中存在的问题提出自己的对策和建议。91776
毕业论文关 键 词:儿童文学,小学语文教学,困境,对策
Abstract:In the primary school language learning, children's literature occupy the irreplaceable position, it is to cultivate children's interest in learning, attach importance to children's physical and mental health development, its own unique books of literary enlightenment for many students。 Primary school Chinese education and children's literature supplement each other, inseparable。 Through the teaching of children's literature resources, primary school Chinese curriculum content has become increasingly rich and connotation, elementary school teacher education work more targeted。 It can be inspiring the students, make students more interested in learning of classroom text。 But, in the teaching of children's literature, there are many problems, these problems make the primary school Chinese teaching is not as good as it gets。 Today will be analyzing the present situation and problems of children's literature in the Chinese teaching in elementary school, and the existing problems put forward countermeasures and Suggestions of their own。
Keywords: children's literature ,primary language teaching, dilemma,countermeasure
目 录
1引言 3
2儿童文学在小学语文教学中的困境 3
2。1部分教师的儿童文学功底不扎实,儿童文学素养不足 3
2。2 教学中没有把握儿童文学的特征 4
2。3 教学中难以体现儿童情趣,审美性与教育性难以协调 4
2。4 学生缺乏学习指导,阅读计划零散 4
2。5 教材中的道德训诫和知识灌输较为严重 4
3儿童文学教学困境存在的原因 5
3。1 部分教师没有经过专门培训或系统学习过儿童文学作品 5
3。2教师推荐宣传的力度不足,且未及时与学生交流反馈 5
3。3教师教学中忽视教育的审美功能,难以选择教学方法 6
3。4教材编者过于重视文本的教育意义 6
4针对儿童文学教学困境的对策 7
4。1加强小学语文教师的儿童文学素养 7
4。2 教学中抓住儿童文学的特征 8
4。3 教材选编时减少道德教化,增加趣味性 9
4。4 鼓励学生课外阅读,激发学生阅读兴趣 9
结语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
附录 14
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