First, the teaching material has too many disadvantages。 Each unit is a subject in their books, and there aren’t too many connections between these units。 So students can’t consolidate the words when the new unit starts, they will forget the words easily。 Second one is the defects of teachers’ professional literacy。 Many English teachers are bad for  spoken language; they lack the experience of theoretical and practical study。 Third, the teaching methods are too simple。 Teachers always neglect the teaching of correct pronunciation although students can answer their questions actively。 What’ more, teachers don’t focus on the scene of language learning, the word is single in class。 Only word in a sentence can they understand the meaning correctly。 Take the word “have” for example, many students know the meaning “possess”, but they can’t master the other meanings of this word。 Fourth one is the blank learning guidance in a family。 Students learn English at school, but they will forget after class。 Some parents think it is teacher’s responsibility to teach kids English, and never supervise their learning, which is horrible for their study。

Many teachers believe that: Education must be a funny thing for students。 The students’ learning motivation is supported by interests。 Therefore, the primary English teaching should develop pupils’ learning interests。 Teachers shouldn’t lose the patience with students because they touch with this subject only in a short time。 They are just like the babbling babies。 Teachers should try to change this difficult mission into acceptable forms and make students love reciting words。 Given this, many primary teachers apply the game teaching methods into the vocabulary teaching in order to get good effects and increase their interests。

2。 Literature review 

2。1The definition of the game and the game teaching

We all know that everyone has his own thoughts, so the definition of the game is not the same。 For example, Dessri give the definition that “they are not just a persion, a break from routine activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game ( Dessri 22 ) 。” Jill Hadfield defines games as “an activity with rulers, a goal and an element of fun (Jill 115)。” Games are what “create a bridge between learning and doing ( Frederocken 43 ) 。” So we can see that the game should involve the following factors: relax, rule, compete and learn。

Game teaching is an instructional method, which uses game to teach students knowledge; moreover, it transforms monotonous language phenomenon into interesting games, creates harmonious and vivid communicative context (Ding 25-28)。 Game teaching is used as an educational tool。 In fact, games are relevant to the teaching aims, so with the help of teachers, pupils can learn more easily and reinforce the linguistic competence after the applying of the game teaching。

2。2Characters of using games in English vocabulary

Vocabulary is the fundamental part in learning English。 Without vocabulary, we can hard to understand others’ meaning or express our own ideas。 Wilkins David A said that “without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed” (David 111)。

Generally speaking, characteristics of the games should contain the following aspects。

The first one is purpose。 Everyone all consider seriously that our knowledge should be treated seriously。 It isn’t really learning if there is laughter。 It is a false conclusion。 It is possible to study as well as play at the same time。 Likewise, use game to learn words is to arouse students’ interests and let students join the activities actively。 Then students will finish the goals that teachers set。 In conclusion, we must remember the teaching aims, weather the entertainment of the game or its educational effects are both important。 Moreover, teachers should pay much attention to the learning influence towards children。 The final determination of the game is service for the class。 So, teachers should focus more on the purpose of the game when choose activities。









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