4。 Vocabulary teaching

From the year of 1980, vocabulary was an area that had drawn people’s interest all over the word。 Researchers found that many of learners’ questions, even when they are at higher levels of language performance, they still cater to learn vocabulary。

4。1 Memorization 

Words are learned in listed of paired words or paired associates in the early stages of language learning。 The lists contain a word from a synonym or the target language, and these can be accompanied by some means of graphic or a picture or other mnemonic representation。 The principle of vocabulary learning is that study by oneself。 As Sternberg (1987) maintained, a main function of teaching vocabulary should be to teach students to teach themselves。 He said: no matter how many words we teach them directly, those words will constitute only a small fraction of the words they will need to know。 It doesn’t matter how many words they learn or how well they learn。 What matters is how well they will go on learning long after they have excited from our lives, as we have exited from theirs。 (Sternberg 97)

4。2 The strategies of vocabulary teaching论文网

In general, the aims of vocabulary teaching include two teaching methods。 For example, classified vocabulary teaching strategies include planned and unplanned activities。 The unplanned strategies refer to occasions when words may be learned accidentally in class when students need particular meanings of the world。 Unplanned vocabulary teaching strategies take more time than unplanned vocabulary activities。 The reason is that teachers would prepare games in advance and list target words and these words would have been allocated more class teaching time。

4。3 The questions of learning new words

First one, what words are simple for students to learn first?

Second, are some words more useful to the learner than others?

Third, is there any word more likely to be encountered in spoken rather than written discourse? If so, where can we find?

Fourth, are some words more difficult to learn than others? 

Fifth, whether the words with different meanings should be avoided。 If not, should meanings be isolated for learning first?

Sixth, are there any means of retaining new words?

5。 The strategies of primary game teaching method

5。1The effects of using game teaching to teach vocabulary

Games can lower anxiety, in addition, they are often highly motivating, relevant, comprehensible (Richard-Amato 147)。 We can see that the effects of the game teaching methods are as follows:

First of all, the interest of learning English should be increased

Students can get rid of the bondage of psychological pressure in a relaxing class and they will thirst for knowledge by themselves。 Pupils won’t make troubles or sleep in class。 On the country, they will be curious of the learning contents and consider vocabulary as a funny thing。

Second, the students’ interpersonal skills should be exercised

It’s necessary to touch with others’ bodies when play games in class。 Everyone has his own personality。 Some are active, some are introvert。 Game teaching can close the distance between classmates and strengthen the communication with each other。 It can make the negative child become optimistic。 Students can also develop the sense of competing with others when play the game in this competitive society。 It can also do a favor in forming their concepts of cooperating with others by piding class into several groups。

What’s more, the students’ bodies and intelligence should be developed

Primary students always feel tired and bored easily when they learn knowledge because they do not have the ability to pay their attention to one thing for a long time。 Game teaching is a valid way to improve the quality of class and make students vibrant。 What’s more, it can let various organs in a coordinate status and accelerate the exploration of nervous system。









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