The next one is interesting。 Teachers should keep the class in accordance with students’ mental and physical characteristics。 Students can enjoy a fine learning environment and comfortable atmosphere through games。 At the same time, students will understand the knowledge and strengthen the memory of vocabulary。

The third one is appropriateness。 Once organize games in class, the teachers should take students’ abilities into consideration and use games from simple to complex, and increase the difficulty of the game slowly。 If games are too difficult for most students to understand and accept, they will weaken the enthusiasm of study。 So the game should be appropriate for them。 What’s more, owning to students’ gender, teachers should find different games that not only suit for boys but also suit for girls。 For instance, boys would like to play a tug or racing game while girls would like to play paper cuts。 So, it is important for teachers to choose the most appropriate game that follow their interests, gender, students’ physical and mental development。

The fourth one is persity。 Our students are curious about everything and the environment we live in is full of different attractions。 Therefore, the kinds of the game also play an important role in attracting their attention in learning vocabulary。 It is teachers’ assignment to put up with the variety of games which suit for students。 The most fundamental thing that teachers must keep in mind is that they should put the meaning of games at any time。 In a word, students can stimulate the interests of learning vocabulary by make full use of the characteristics of the games。

The last one is competitiveness。 Students always tend to show off themselves and compete with others while study。 It is wise to use competition mechanism like a star which also provides energy to students to accelerate the enthusiasm in vocabulary。 Teachers should put the fairness of competition in a correct position to let the evaluation reasonable under the lively environment。

Above all, all of our students will increase the interests of learning vocabulary and join the process of learning English by their own if teachers can make full use of the games。   

3。 Types of game teaching 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网 原文+QQ752-018766

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of games。 One is language-focused games and the other is communication-focused games。 The language-focused games focus on students’ speaking ability and their other abilities。 It is used in the whole class。 While the communication-focused games aims to develop the students’ ability of communication with others, it is always used in a small group。 The communication-focused games can exercise many abilities of students, but this doesn’t mean the language-focused game is not important, when the new words need to be introduced。 It is wise to use the language-focused games rather than the communication-focused games。 The examples that can be adopted in the class are shown as follows:

Example 1: circle the right photo quickly

There are several of photos on the blackboard, then the whole class will be pided into two groups, girls are in group one and boys are put in group two。 Choose a girl from the group one and let the girl speak the word loudly, then ask a boy to choose the right picture。 Next, replace the two representatives and do it again。 Instead of photos, numbers, dates, clock times can also be used。

Example 2: Role-play game 

Preparation: clothes, shoes, socks, trousers, caps 

Aims: get knowledge of the new word and sentence structure and pupils’ communicative ability。

Procedure: teachers invite students to do a role-play game, ten students are asked to join in the shopping mall。 There are four or five students in a group, one is seller, and others are shopper。 Using the sentence structure like “how much is this clothes? Is this a cap? I want to buy no more than four trousers and three pairs of shoes…… Students can also do this role-play game by themselves after class。 









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