2。 Literature Review

     From the perspective of current English writing of middle school students, educators have realized the influence of L1 Transfer。 But they haven’t taken much measurements。In terms of the development of writing education, the classroom teaching method is very simple, and the teaching process is mainly focused on the teaching of writing skills, practice and error correction。 A single teaching method, confusing writing theory and the difficulty of expressing their ideas due to the lack of vocabulary not only make the writing class inefficient but also cause students to form emotional conflict, even result in a vicious spiral。 The more boring things that they don’t understand, the more reluctant they are to learn。 It is no doubt that learning efficiency will be low without enthusiasm。 In addition, because of the impact of Chinese thinking, students’ writing mode is mostly formed into corresponding Chinese thinking idea according to the topic request。And then transfer it into English。 As a result, the whole article will show a clear Chinese thinking。 In addition, because the statements are in accordance with the Chinese translation, the sentence will have a lot of problems in fluency, logic and grammar。

     On the present situation of L1 Transfer, the study of mother tongue transfer began approximately in 1940s and 1950s, when Lado (1957) suggested that a similar part of the native language would make learners more effective in learning a second language。 On the contrary, different parts of the mother language are difficult for learners。 Up to now, researchers both at home and abroad have paid attention to this problem, and they mainly focus on the main forms and influencing factors of L1 Transfer。 In 1957, Lado proposed the concept of positive transfer and negative transfer。 In the same year, Burt questioned and opposed the existence of language transfer, suggesting that learners are mostly influenced by the impact of factors such as motivation, mood, and learning situation which increase the difficulty of learning a foreign language。 Until 1986, Chomsky put forward a new point of view-Universal Grammar, to some extent, defends the existence of the phenomenon of L1 Transfer。 He believes that L1 Transfer and universal grammar are co-existent。 When the learners are expected to have a predictable linguistic error, it is the influence of the mother tongue transfer。 If there is an unpredictable language error and is not linked to the studying language, then this is the impact of universal grammar。 Scientists not only progress a deep study of the phenomenon of L1 Transfer from foreign countries, but also in china。 Since 1993, there have been hundreds of studies on mother tongue transfer。 These academic reports studied and presented their important points of view, including the analysis of vocabulary, writing, grammar, culture and other aspects of the research。 At the same time, the trend of the study of L1 Transfer is steadily increasing。 Therefore, it confirms the importance of L1 Transfer in China。 However, even if we pay more attention to the phenomenon of L1 Transfer and put a lot of research, there are still some problems remained。 First, most of the researches on the transfer of mother tongue is only theoretical research and lacks empirical research。 In addition, they take a short time to investigate the empirical research, which means the sample is not widespread。 Because the phenomenon of L1 Transfer is a long process, the conclusion lacks authority and universality。 Second, even if there are some in-depth studies, few educators are able to apply the L1 Transfer theory to actual teaching and take corresponding measures。 As a result, some problems still remain to be solved。 In view of the problems left over in this paper, we will use the method of comparative analysis to analyze the specific performance of L1 Transfer and use behaviorism and Krashen’s second language acquisition theory to analyze and propose solutions。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

















