Comparative analysis means to analyze the objective things in order to realize the nature of the object and make the evaluation of the rule。 Self comparison is an important learning method in foreign language learning。 The contrast method is mainly based on the translation and comparison of mother language and is the basis of learning foreign languages。 By using the method of comparative analysis to analyze the foreign language and mother language, people can tell the differences and similarities, which will promote the positive L1 Transfer and avoid the negative L1 Transfer。

     The behavioral learning theory was proposed by Watson in 1920s, and he concluded that both human and animal behavior have one thing in common: stimulation and response。 Such behavior exists not only physically, but also psychologically。 All the complex behaviors of animals and people are acquired through learning under the influence of environment。 Based on the behavioral learning theory, Bloomfield believes that the voice of the teachers and people around will stimulate the students to respond accordingly。 Skinner further developed the theory of behaviorism learning。 He believes that through the continuous strengthening of stimulation, students will be able to gradually develop the language habits and learn to use the language correspondent to the stimulated language。论文网

     Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition is composed of five parts-The Acquisition-learning Hypothesis, The Natural Order Hypothesis, The Monitor Hypothesis, The Input Hypothesis and The Affective Filter Hypothesis。 Krashen believes that adults do not lose the ability of learning the language as children do。 If given the ideal conditions for learning, adults’ ability to manage language will be more proficiency than children。 At the same time, he believes that it is of little help that other people point out your mistakes in language learning。 What really matters is to be aware of their own mistakes, thus causing their own strong attention and can be corrected。 In addition, he thinks that emotional environment will also have an impact on language learning。 Students who have unclear motivation, anxiety and lack self-confidence will be less efficient。 So a relaxed and pleasant learning environment is also very important。

3。 Research and Findings

3。1 Research on middle school student’s composition

     In order to confirm whether the problems above are real and further understand where does the specific error exist in students’ composition, it is necessary to do accurate correcting, data collection, data statistics and analysis of the negative L1 Transfer on students’ writing。 The survey uses comparative analysis and sampling survey, the results have both universality and reliability。 The object of this investigation is Huai Yin middle school students’ composition in class 16。 Research process are as follow: 1。 collect a total of 120 practice papers, two exams from the same class。 2。 strictly correct compositions。 3。 classify error types: lexical error, sentence structure error and discourses error。 4。 use Excel to summarize the results and analyze the influence of negative L1 Transfer on the students, and see whether educators have paid more attention and take effective measures to avoid the negative L1 Transfer。

     The results of the Research collection are counted in the following table:

variable Exam 1 Exam 2

Frequency of problems Frequency of problems Total Proportion of total

(research total: 120=100%)

Lexical Error

















