Under the background of the new curriculum, small-sized class teaching model emphasizes the independence of students and interaction between students and teachers。 Also, small-sized class teaching aims to promote every student to develop in an all-around way and provide them with more chances to communicate with their teachers。 Therefore, small-sized class of English teaching in primary school makes it possible for teachers and families to make joint efforts to educate students in different aspects, which develops the ability of self-education of the students。 Nevertheless, for a lack of teaching materials and funds, the process of popularization of small-sized class teaching does not go smoothly。

Teaching in the small-sized class is the trend of education innovation in the world and the fundamental education policy, the applying of it in the English teaching in primary school conforms to the psychological characteristics of pupils。 This thesis compares the small-sized class teaching with the large-scale class teaching, emphatically discusses the advantages of small-sized class teaching, and puts forward some proposals of popularizing the use of small-sized class teaching model。

2。 Literature Review论文网

With the development and progress of the times, English has become an important compulsory course。 English teaching has become a subject that we continue to study, especially in primary school。 Current researches on English teaching in primary school have had some achievements from the aspect of class size。 To have a good understanding of how small-sized class affects English teaching in primary school, the knowledge of English teaching in primary school and class size of small-sized class should come first。

2。1 English teaching in primary school

The establishment of English curriculum in primary school meets the demand of contemporary social development, which can effectively improve the English level of our country。 Students in primary school have better imitation ability, memory and plasticity than those of adults。 English class in primary school can give full play to their potential。 “According to the physical and psychological development needs of pupils, the aim of the primary English course is to arouse pupils’ interest in learning English and cultivate their positive attitude towards English learning so as to build up their self-confidence in learning English。”(Liu 36) It is clearly stated in the papers about actively promoting primary school English course published by Ministry of Education that the establishment of English course in primary school is the important content of the reform in elementary education in the beginning of the 21st century。 But due to the weak foundation, poor language context, low teaching level, limited teaching conditions, especially the outdated teaching ideas, and the single teaching method and evaluation means, the speed of improving the teaching quality cannot meet the requirements of social development。 Thus, the reasonable establishment of English course in primary school has a long way to go。

2。2 Class size of English teaching in primary school文献综述

At present, class size of English in primary school is pided into small-sized class teaching and large-scale class teaching。 “Studies have shown that students placed in smaller classes benefit more academically than those placed in larger classes。” (Khazaei, Zadeh and Ketabi 182) Small-sized class can provide pupils with better teaching conditions than the “ordinary large class”, to better implement the spirit of the new curriculum reform, and highlight the ideas of the new curriculum。 So it has become an important form in primary stage to promote quality education。 As to previous studies on class size at home and abroad, Glass and Smith (1980) found that students’ morale, achievement, and attitude were higher in “smaller” classes。 In addition, Evertson and Folger (1989) argue that students have more opportunities to discuss questions with their teachers in small-sized class。

















